Residential Roof Repairs

Noticed a leak? We are ready to help with any problems your roof may have.

JL Contractors Roof

What Our
Clients Are Saying 

Roof repairs are vital to keeping your home protected. With regular maintenance and repair, homeowners can stop minor problems from transforming into expensive replacements. 
JL Contractors Residential Roofing

Signs Your Home’s Roof Needs to Be Repaired

Repairing a roof is one of the best ways homeowners can save money in the long term. If you have noticed any of these signs, call a roofer for an inspection ASAP.

Roofer installing a grey asphalt shingle roof.
Increased Energy Bill

When a roof leaks, water can enter your insulation, causing a decrease in efficiency and an increase in your energy bill.

Dark grey asphalt shingle roof
Granule Loss

If you notice granules being flushed out of the gutters, this is a sign you need a professional to inspect your roof. 

Roofer installing a grey asphalt shingle roof.
Critters in Your Attic

If you have noticed animals making a home in your attic, this is a sign that you may have a hole in your roof.

Dark grey asphalt shingle roof
Algae Growth

 Algae growth is a sign that your home is retaining excess water, which can spell major problems if left untreated.

Water Stains
Water Stains

Visible water stains on your home’s ceiling indicate one thing:
you probably have a damaged, leaking roof!

Roof Repair vs.
Roof Replacement

Whether to replace your roof or repair it is a question that requires looking at various factors, mainly the roof’s age, the type of the roof, and the extent of any existing damage.

Roof Repair
The best solution for a newer roof, a roof with only partial damage, or a luxury roof that’s value makes a repair a cost-effective solution.
Roof Replacement
A clean slate. A roof replacement is the best option for a roof with profound damages, or a roof that is unable to shed water.